As a student in goverment education instiitute
In case of studying
1. Immiggration Form 7 (Tor Mor 7)
2. Copy of passport
3. A 4 cm. x 6 cm. Photograph
4. ________baht application fee
5. A certified document from the Dean of the Faculty
The document must contain the following details of the applicants
- Name,Age,Nationality,Passport Number
- Level of education
- Transcript of the appication
- Total academic years
- Curriculum, and funding
In case of instructing
1. Immigration Form 7 (Tor Mor 7)
2. Copy of passport
3. A 4 cm. x 6 cm. Photograph
4. __________baht application fee
5. Certified documents issued by the Government / State Organization at Department level or
equivalent which takes care of such Educational Institutes or the certified documents issued by
the head of Goverment Organization,in case of public organization. The details in the certified
document must contain the following topics:
lenght of teaching,position,salary rate.
6. Employment Contract (Job contract)
7. Work Permit or a document showing the acceptance of the request for working permission
8. When applying for further stay next year,the evidenceof income tex payment (Por ngor dor 91)
of the previous year is required.
9. In case of having dependents (hasband/wife,children),the guarantee document from the
applicant accompanied with evidence showing their relationship with the applicant is required. All
documents in other lanquages must be translated into Thai and certified by the embassy or
consulate of the foreign national(s).
10. The officials reserve the rights to examine or ask for additional documents if necessary.